Once again, the fall season is upon us. From children going back to school to our turning back the clocks for daylight savings, there’s a lot in life to adjust to as we transition into autumn. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult — here’s a few tips that you and your family can follow to maintain a healthy balance well into the holidays.
Help children avoid backpain during “Back-to-School”
As students head “back-to-school,” this also means they’re back to walking with new backpacks loaded with books, electronics, and after school sports gear. Children wear them on their backs, sling them over one shoulder, and even tow them if the backpacks have wheels. Most children lean forward or twist sideways, to counter the weight of their heavy load.
With all the gear they carry, it’s no wonder children, and especially in teenagers, suffer from lower back pain.
To help them protect their backs this school year, here are three tips from the National Posture Institute on choosing the best pack:
• Select a padded back will minimize direct pressure on the back.
• Choose wide padded shoulder straps to avoid hindering circulation to the arms.
• Get waist and chest belts to transfer weight from the back and shoulders to the trunk and pelvis.
If your child does complain of back pain, make an appointment at Healing Point Acupuncture—we can alleviate the condition and provide additional solutions that will help.
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