Acupuncture is the art of inserting fine, sterile, stainless steel needles into the skin at very specific points on the body in order to improve the body’s function, promoting its natural healing ability.
We combine modern technology with age-old Chinese Medical techniques to assess your body’s imbalances and to determine the best treatments for your body to promote healing deep from within.
The AcuGraph is a simple diagnostic tool which utilises modern technology to measure the energy levels of each acupuncture meridian.
Non-invasive Vagus Nerve stimulation (VNS) affects a wide range of inflammatory, digestive and neurological conditions.
Moxibustion (moxa) is a heat therapy where mugwort, a wool like herb, is burned on or near the skin.
Gua Sha is used to ease tension and pain in the body and promote the free flow of Qi and blood within the acupuncture meridians.